I like Bacteria

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I like to grow bacteria.

It’s a strange habit.

And a healthy habit.

It started about 6 years ago.  and the much more bacteria that I grow, the much more I want to grow. 


For starters, it is an addicting habit.  I can be creative.  Colorful. even flavorful with this habit.  It is a challenge to find just the best bacteria that my family will dive into.  begin requesting.  Craving. 

The much more bacteria you have, the much more you want it.

What am I really talking about?


When my husband and I dived into the organic, whole foods rabbit hole six years ago, I had no idea that at any given time in the future, there would be numerous Mason jars sitting on our counter top colonizing bacteria. 

During my quest for improved health and a desperate attempt to avoid using medication, due to acquiring Hashimoto’s disease and PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), I came across a incredible book titled, The Maker’s Diet, by Jordan Rubin. It changed my life . . . I expect you could say.

That book then led me to Sally Fallon’s cookbook, Nourishing Traditions (which I am giving away on my website).

It was in these now well worn pages, that I discovered a whole new world of cooking, of baking, of nourishing my family.  I would never go back to our old diet, our sad diet (Standard American Diet).

Nourishing food is too much fun.  and our health has considerably improved.

I can let my 3-year old eat spoonfuls of ketchup at a time. Áno. He’s eating bacteria! and I understand the ingredients. ukážem ti.

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Homemade Ketchup


3 cups canned organic tomato paste (this translates to four 6 oz cans)

1/4 cup whey (the yellowish liquid on top of yogurt)

1 tablespoon sea salt

1/2 cup maple syrup (the real stuff from the tree)

1/4 tsp cayenne pepper

3 cloves garlic, peeled and mashed

(optional) 1/2 cup fish sauce (can be found in the Asian section of your grocery store)


Mix all of the above ingredients together until thoroughly blended.

Pour or plop mixture into a quart-sized mason jar. You will want to use a wide-mouth mason jar. There ought to be at least 1 inch of room from the ketchup to the top of the jar lid. I would recommend using the conventional metal lid versus the new plastic one-piece lids.

Leave on your counter for two days before moving it to its cold home, your refrigerator.

To learn much more about fermentation, I highly recommend you consider taking the get Cultured e-course.  In this course, you will acquire an arsenal of information to begin a fun and easy journey into fermented foods, which sadly has become a lost art in our fast paced culture.  You will learn how to prepare enzyme-rich fermented foods, yogurts, condiments, salsas and chutneys in your kitchen with over 50 video tutorials,  100 recipes and 60  tutorials, plus the totally free 36-pg e-book get Cultured: Probiotic recipe from the Nourished Kitchen. To see the course description, head on over to Nourished Kitchen’s get Cultured:  how to Ferment Anything.

If any of the below bullet points make your tummy growl for help, sign up!

You want to build immunity naturally

You want to optimize gut health and digestion

You want to give up processed commodity foods and start eating real

You value cooking from scratch and mastering the lost arts of conventional foods

You want to restore the proper balance to your gut

You  or your family suffers from digestive ills or food intolerances.

You adhere to a real food diet or the dietary guidelines of the Weston A price Foundation.

You want to save money by making good food at home from scratch

You’re on a grain totally free diet such as gaps or SCD which places significance on the value of fermented foods

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Sign up now and get a reward totally free lesson!

Classes begin March 4th!  Don’t wait, because the price for the class increases March1st, from $149 to $199.  Don’t forget this course can be used for a lifetime of good intestinal health! 

And if you sign up, you can get much more entries over at my blog to win the Nourishing Traditions cookbook!  I am also having a giveaway for some water kefir grains (a soda alternative) that you just might want to use dUrčenie kultivovaného e-kurzu! Povedzte, že ti poslala matka Jenny Granola!

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