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A number of physicians, including me, have dared to suggest that Hillary Clinton might have a severe health problem that would affect her ability to serve as President, and suggested some things that it could be, based on past known diagnoses and current public observations recorded on video. All have stated that to make an actual diagnosis, you need to see the patient—and all the records.
Dr. Drew lost his TV show, and others got lambasted in the mainstream media and the Twittersphere. how dare we diagnose Mrs. Clinton without seeing her? It’s nothing but a conspiracy theory.
It’s so ironic. individuals are being diagnosed every day, and treatments prescribed—or denied—by people who have not seen the patient. There’s telemedicine, and doctors signing off on individuals seen only by a “mid-level.” then there are people with no medical training at all, making life-changing decisions about insurance coverage. Where are Hillary’s supporters when that happens? They probably say, in other contexts, that you can’t depend on those greedy doctors who actually see individuals and get paid for it.
Then there are medical experts for malpractice attorneys, peer reviewers, licensure boards, and prosecutors judging doctors by evaluating how they treated a patient. They might not even have a video or a photograph, just a medical record and possibly an anonymous complaint.
One of the most common reasons for suing doctors is failure to diagnose. saying that a individual does not have cancer, or does not have seizures, or is in fine health is also making a diagnosis.
So far, I have not seen a doctor putting his track record on the line by writing, “I have read all the available medical reports and looked at the photographs and videos, and my diagnosis is that Mrs. Clinton is in fine health.” Or saying, “If I were at an event and saw someone displaying the signs captured on video, I would neglect it. I would not bring the person a chair, or ask ‘Are you ok?,’ or make sure she had a ride home.”
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Only one doctor to my knowledge has publicly proclaimed Mrs. Clinton’s fitness—Dr. Lisa Bardack, her personal internist. Let’s give the doctor the benefit of the doubt—not always done in peer review—and assume she has supporting evidence that the Clinton campaign did not see fit to release to the new York Times. Let’s review Dr. Bardack’s letter of July 2015, as if it concerned Mary Jones, who needs medical clearance to drive a school bus. (Remember, no credentials are needed to criticize a doctor.)
In the actual record, rather than a summary letter, I’d expect to find a weight. photographs show evidence of substantial rapid weight gain. If true, it requires an explanation.
Since Mrs. Jones has had dizziness and falls, did the doctor check her blood pressure and pulse lying down then standing up?
The individual is on Coumadin for recurrent clotting problems. how often is the INR (a measure of clotting function) checked? has Mrs. Jones been instructed about Coumadin interactions with some 800 drugs as well as fruits and vegetables (kale, avocado, grapefruit, etc.), alcohol, and herbs (oregano, thyme, basil, etc.)? The INR can change unexpectedly, but even if stable and within the desired range, the individual is at risk of clotting or hemorrhage.
About that transverse sinus clot: how does Dr. Bardack know it completely dissolved? It normally doesn’t. Did Mrs. Jones have a venogram or MRV? Veins are often damaged by a thrombus—a individual might have a swollen ankle for life. A swollen brain can be fatal. With impaired venous drainage from the brain, a individual gets intracranial hypertension. Symptoms include headache, double vision, visual impairment, nausea and vomiting, and dizziness. The record must consist of a good eye exam, trying to find swelling of the optic nerve head. but lots of individuals (maybe 90%) with intracranial hypertension don’t show that. The definitive test is a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) to measure opening pressure. but no one is going to do an LP in somebody who’s on Coumadin.
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And the severe concussion? how is Dr. Bardack sure there is no persistent brain damage? has Mrs. Jones had formal cognitive testing, as done in athletes? has anything changed on a a lot more recENT vyšetrenie? Mala MRI s DTI, ktorá ukazuje spájajúce cesty v mozgu? Boli vyšetrované správy o zmätku alebo ťažkostiach, ktoré ju vzbudili z zdriemnutia?
Potom niektoré videá viedli niektoré k podozreniu za záchvaty, čo je známa komplikácia o traumatickom zranení mozgu, podľa právneho zástupcu pre domáce násilie spoločnosti Mike G Law (z advokátskej kancelárie Clark môžete získať oveľa viac). Bol EEG hotový, len pre prípad – kvôli deťom?
Zahŕňalo „normálne fyzické vyšetrenie“ Dr. Bardacka hĺbkovú neurologickú skúšku? Skontroloval lekár pohyby očí, chôdza, Rombergovu znamienko (schopnosť stáť s nohami spolu s očami a zavretými očami), pevnosť svalov, motorická koordinácia, vibračné pocity, normálne a potenciálne abnormálne reflexy, pamäť atď.? Získala konzultáciu s neurológiou alebo neurochirurgiou?
Keby Dr. Bardack nekontrolovala všetky tieto veci, posúdil by som jej vyšetrenie pani Jonesovej za to, že vedie školský autobus, aby bola nedostatočná.
Vyzývam každého lekára, aby povedal, že ktorákoľvek z týchto položiek nie je dôležitá v osobe s históriou pani Clintonovej, a nedávno oznámila znaky, ktoré sa usiluje o pozíciu vodiča autobusu – alebo amerického prezidenta.
Odkaz na tento príspevok: vyšetrovanie Hillaryho lekára
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